Goni set a new world record on Sunday November 1st when it made landfall just south of Manila, with sustained winds at 195 miles per hour. Said to be the strongest since Typhoon Haiyan, the super typhoon destroyed homes and land, displacing families as emergency teams helped with evacuations as fast as possible—all during a global health crisis. Of the ten strongest landfalls ever recorded, seven have occurred since 2006, with four in the Philippines.
For over a week now our Philippine ministry lead by Timothy Taylor was impacted due to power outages caused by “typhoon Goni” but thanks be to God the ministry was able to purchase a generator to power the plant. Taylor said, power is still out in several villages and landslides are still a daily occurrence. In response to these challenges His ministry set up a battery recharge center for people in neighboring villages to come and charge their flashlights.
Fewer than 30 people have died so far, but that number is expected to rise as responders reach areas cut off by the storm. Timothy Taylor our field coordinator and other Filipino churches are on the front lines, offering tangible help and the hope of Christ to survivors. An estimated 346,000 people have already sought refuge in evacuation centers and about 19.8 million people living within 35 miles may be affected.
When typhoon Goni, began rolling in on “October 31, there were some located in “Rolly” (a region of the Philippines) who began calling up spirits to save them.
Pray the Lord uses the situation to awaken the people to turn to Christ as the source of power and salvation. Pray that non-believers will recognize God’s existence through this disaster. Pray they turn to Jesus for salvation.