A large and growing gap is being felt by church and mission agencies around the world as the need for missionary workers increase. The most urgent demand is for long-term workers. The problem is there is not enough prayer and vision to meet the needs and opportunities available. We can also blame apathy, legalism and Biblical compromise plaguing churches for the continuing shortage.
Putting our faith into action is at the very heart of our Christian calling to be in mission, and reaching out in mission locally and globally. Regardless of where we are in our spiritual journey, as Christians, we are privileged and at the same time expected to be active participants in God’s mission work in the world. Whether young or aged, rich are poor, man or woman, lay or clergy, we are called by God to serve.
Mission work is about praying, giving, and doing to advance the Kingdom of God here on earth. The world in which we live continues to change dramatically. With more people living in a more complex world, human needs seem more complex and pressing than ever before. However, people’s basic physical and spiritual needs are the same today as they have always been. Answer the call today and fulfill Jesus’ mandate to be in mission.
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