2,000 years ago a woman committed herself to follow Jesus after meeting Him at a well. Today, people continue to meet and follow Christ through the conduit of clean well water. In the last 10 years, TEL International and its ministry partners in Ghana have planted churches in over 12 villages. They have poured a great deal of time into preaching the Gospel and building up leaders throughout the country. They have provided life saving water wells to these communities which has bridged the gap to evangelism.
These wells have delivered far more than just water. Although our partners have provided life through clean water, they have also offered new life through Christ’s own “living water.” As a result, evangelism has exploded. After a simple” ‘worship at the well” in one village, new members were added to the church and many asked for Bibles. Seeing the effects, a neighboring community asked our ministry partners to come to them next.
Pray that God would continue to work through the precious commodity of clean water as a river to His Truth. As our ministry partner embarks on reaching more villages in 2021 with this ministry, pray that the Lord would use the love of their actions and words to bring many more to Himself.
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