We’re Growing Schools in Uganda

We’re Growing Schools in Uganda

TEL International works to free children from the cycle of poverty by providing a high-quality, free education, both formal and informal to orphaned, abandoned or vulnerable children due to HIV/AIDS in order to counteract pervasive hunger, poverty, and systemic deprivation. Your donations will help us repair, maintain and operate two primary schools and a secondary and vocational school for children in rural southwest Uganda, as well as providing extracurricular activities.

These schools are located in a very remote, mountainous area. Basic infrastructure such as water, electricity and internet is difficult to establish and maintain. The hilly terrain makes transportation difficult and the equatorial sun and heavy rains cause erosion and damage. We are working to improve basic infrastructure, especially via solar panels and improved water management and internet access. Our desire is to give these students a safe and nurturing environment that supports their learning, provides targeted initiatives which take into account their specific and often very difficult circumstances and provides positive role models, sports activities, IT and science labs and more. In other words, a quality education that allows these students to excel and dream big.

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