Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him. And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. – I Samuel 1: 17-18
Hannah enters the house of worship at Shiloh as a basket case. She is distraught. She is weeping. She is not about to lose it. She has already lost it. Then, suddenly and miraculously, in a moment she “was no more sad.” What in the world happened?
(1). She got peace. Once Eli was made to understand what was happening to her and that she was not drunk, he said to her: “Go in peace.” That is really what she had come to the house of the Lord for in the first place. Yes, she had asked for a child, but she wanted a sense of peace about her request and her situation. God’s house is a house of prayer, but it is also should be a house of peace. Just like you should not leave your house without your American Express Card, you should not leave God’s house without His peace.
(2). She got a confirmation. Not only did the man of God, Eli bid her to go in peace, he added a blessing: “the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him.” He was praying for her. He was agreeing with her. He was encouraging her. He was affirming and confirming her. She left the house of God with a word from the Lord and a confirmation that God had heard her cry and that He would respond.
(3). She got grace. She did not seek grace in God’s sight. She already had that. She was looking for grace in the man of God’s sight. It is not that he was God, but she sought the assurance that he, too, heard her and understood her. Of course, we know the difference between people and God. Still, every now and then it helps to have a human ear hear us and a human voice answer us. Often, as ministers and servants of God, we get so caught up in serving Him that we fail to extend the simple gracious act of listening to those who come to His house to find Him.
(4). She got something to eat. Remember how Hannah had been so upset that she did not eat or drink? Well, after she got her peace, after she got her confirmation and after she got her grace, guess what she got next? She got something to eat! She went straight to hometown buffet after church. She got her some fried chicken, candied yams, potato salad, collard greens, macaroni and cheese, a slice of chocolate cake and a sweet tea! Then, her countenance was no more sad. There is nothing like a good meal to get you out of depression and bring a smile to your face! It really ain’t that deep. Get you something good to eat. You’ll be fine!