O, Give Thanks

O, Give Thanks

Psalm 107: 1 – “O, give thanks . . .”

The psalmist is leading us along the path of what is a real and right relationship with God one word at a time. First, he tells us to approach God with an attitude of giving. But, he does not leave us hanging as to what we are to give to God. For the very next word informs us that we are to give God our thanks.

This does not cancel our command to give the tithe because that belongs to Him. This does not excuse us from doing like the Macedonians did and giving ourselves. This does not exempt us from giving what the Samaritan woman did when she gave her testimony. Why then might thanks be first on God’s gift wish list? Perhaps, it is because . . .

1). Everyone can afford thanks. No matter what their class or economic status. Both paupers and presidents. Both employers and employees. Both the billionaires rolling in dough and the broke wrestling in bankruptcy. Everyone can afford to give thanks.

2). Everyone owes thanks. If for no other reason than common courtesy and manners, everyone owes thanks to God. That’s why your mother made you thank your brother for doing you a favor when you were mad at him. It’s not something you do because you even want to. It what you do because it’s just plain right!

3). Everyone has a reason to give thanks. After you realize it is the right thing to do because manners demand it, you then turn to contemplate the many reasons you have to give thanks. For life, for health, for strength, for sanity, for food, for clothing, for shelter, for water and on and on.

Our giving to God does not by any means end with giving thanks. However, it certainly is a great place to start because there is no way to stop giving more after you give thanks.