Overcoming with Perseverance

Overcoming with Perseverance

. . . being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. (Ephesians 6: 18)

For the last two devotions, we have been looking at the whole armor of God listed in Ephesians chapter six. At first, we referred to the most popular ones in vs 13-17. Then, right behind that, we noticed that there was another weapon which we often overlooked. That is prayer.

Now, we cannot leave the passage without pointing out yet another weapon in the war against adversity. That is perseverance.

Perseverance is a special asset which trumps so many more powerful and flashy types of armaments. It simply is the determination to keep coming, keep showing up and keep going until you win. More often than not, the last thing your adversary expects is for you to keep fighting no matter what.

Through perseverance, you show that you are determined to: (1). Outlast your adversary. You are committed to being the last one standing. (2). Outlive your adversary. Whether you outlive them in terms of your zest for life as you struggle, outlive them in terms of the length of your days, or outlive them in terms of the legacy that you leave long after you have breathed your last breath – you persevere until you outlive them. (3). You will outlearn them. You will use your adversity as a learning experience which, instead of making you bitter, will make you smarter and better; and (4). Then you will out love them. You will let nothing separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus and that includes them!