Overcoming with Your Testimony

Overcoming with Your Testimony

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. (Revelation 12: 11)

The war in heaven between Michael and the Dragon was won by Michael and his angels. Revelation 12: 11 tells us that they overcame the Dragon with the blood of the lamb. But, there is another weapon which is listed that was used to strategically and finally defeat the Dragon.

This was the “word of their testimony.” You would think that words would be powerless against such a wicked one. However, when they come in the form of the testimony of the saints, words have tremendous power.

The word of their testimony had power because it described what had actually happened to them. These are not fanciful fables made up to amuse or entertain. These words were accounts of true life occurrences. Many of the testimonies of the saints were so gruesome that it is amazing that they even lived to tell them. Next, the word of their testimony had power because it not only described the horrible situations they had been in, but also the ones that God actually brought them through. The testimony became a testament to what the Lord had already done and, therefore, could do.

Finally, to be mentioned here, the word of their testimony had power because it revealed what the Lord brought them to. Many times, we are so happy to get out of bondage that we don’t really care where we end up. In this case, the testimony of the saint is not only that they came through hell, but that they ended up in heaven. When you testify, your adversary will be thrown off guard when you are honest about where you were, what you came through and where God has brought you to. That’s why I believe I’ll testify while I have a chance!