God moves in mysterious ways could be the testimony of many a saint, including some whose deeds are set forth in Scripture, such as Gideon. Gideon was not one who thought highly of himself or felt he could accomplish great things. He was just a lowly man doing what he could to survive during a bleak time in Israel’s history. God, however, had plans for him that, give principles that are transferable to the work of God in missions.
The first principle is that God often chooses to do a great work when the day seems the darkest. Just when the oppression by the enemy is at its height and people have lost hope, God steps in to accomplish a great victory. It is through situations like this that God is more ostensibly glorified, for people plainly realize it is not of human effort.
Another principle of missions is that those who go need to go with the assurance they have been sent. If some-one does not have the inner conviction that God has sent him, it often does not take much opposition to send him packing. Having a sense of being sent makes all the difference in the world, and God’s servants will persevere to a degree proportionate to their sense of call.
A third principle relating to missions is that God often chooses those considered nobodies to do great things. That way, God, rather than the servant, receives the glory. The Lord looks for those who will lean on Him and allow Him to work through them. Some hesitancy in responding also seems to be a common characteristic of those through whom God performs feats of greatness. The forth principle is that God does not send His servants out alone. He graciously accompanies His chosen ones into the battle.
The fifth principle is that it is not the number of servants going into missions that determines the outcome but the character of those who go. God can do more with one or a few who are dedicated to Him than with many who lack commitment. This is something we should bear in mind. The church often bemoans the fact that fewer seem to be willing to go into missionary service. As sad as that may be, if the hearts of those who do go are devoted to the Lord, His work will be in good hands.
A sixth principle applicable to the missionary endeavor would be that the light the world needs to see often shines best when it emanates from broken vessels of clay. God seems to delight in using those who have become broken before Him and who allow His glory to be seen in them. King David wrote, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise” (Ps. 51-17). Indeed, God will not despise such a person and will often do great things through him. “God does move in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform.”
May these principles come alive to many who feel God could or would never use them to reach somebody for Christ. Spiritually speaking, the world is dark and in need of light from broken vessels.