When we see parents permitting their child to stage a temper tantrum, we are witnessing a failure of love. True love restrains the child because he has not learned to restrain himself. When, on the other hand, parents employ godly discipline, they are teaching their children to please God.
In a self-indulgent society, godly discipline is sometimes labeled “child abuse.” It is no wonder, that there is so little understanding of a heavenly Father who also disciplines His children. If God is both loving and just, how could He act otherwise? Justice requires that punishment be meted out when sin is committed, while love uses every stratagem possible to dissuade us from sinning. It is an awful thing to think that people in other countries are bound for hell unless they hear and respond to the gospel; but how sad it will be for those who know the gospel and do nothing about it. Jesus said, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required” (Like 12:48). This verse has a powerful application to the work of missions. How can we enjoy freedom and comfort at home, while showing no regard for millions who are perishing in other regions of the world?
The missionary must go out in response to such needs in obedience to the command of the Saviour. “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). When missionaries stop going and when believers at home stop supporting the men and women who are laboring in those distant fields, the church itself will be in a state of disobedience. It is a fearful thing to contemplate the church itself ripe for God’s judgment.