For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God… (Ephesians 2: 8)
The whole point of the Jewish law was to create a means by which people could become right with God. The law told them how to live and how to make amends for their mistakes with the blood of sacrifices and the giving of various offerings. The only problem with the law was that it could never be perfectly kept and, therefore, the trespasses of people never ended. As a result, a right relationship with God was always elusive.
What Jesus does in salvation is to make us right with God through the once and for all sacrifice of His own blood. This sacrifice is sufficient to cover all of our sins, past, present and future. It is the grace of God that allows such a generous arrangement and it is our faith in Jesus that accepts such an incredible gift.
To say that we are saved through faith means that we believe and receive Jesus as our all sufficient Savior. Actually, the Jewish system of sacrifice was easier to believe. It makes sense that we should personally pay for our sins. But, faith in Jesus enables us to relax and rest on Him instead of our own futile and feeble attempts to get right with God. God has given us the free gift of salvation. Go ahead. Accept it by faith. Unwrap it in faith. Enjoy it with faith.