Called to Stand Firm

Called to Stand Firm

One of the keys to success on any battlefield is to know one’s enemy; his strategies and devices. As Christians, we can know a lot about our dreaded foe from the Scriptures, including the fact that we are no match for him. The Bible, however, also tells us that we are not left to fight this battle alone. Our great God stands alongside us, assuring us of the final victory.

Spiritual warfare requires much preparation and discipline. Every Christian should be prepared for battle. This is especially true for those entertaining thoughts of servicing on foreign fields, which are often enemy strong-holds. It is hard enough to share the gospel firsthand with those who have never heard it. Even more difficult, though, is advancing the gospel while at the same time facing a fierce and relentless enemy. While we know that the final victory is ours, it would be foolish to assume that our battles are already over and that the pew offers a safe haven. Quite the contrary! As long as we remain on this earth, we must be prepared to defend ourselves against the forces of evil.

Those who follow Jesus now face a task similar to the children of Israel after crossing the Jordan into the promised land. They entered into the land by faith. Then they faced the task of defeating the Canaanites. The Canaanites can be an imposing force. Many missionaries have faced a similar foe while working in the mission field. Battles such as this cannot be won through our efforts alone. God requires only that we remain steadfast in our service to Him. There are many battles on many fronts yet to be fought and many territories yet to be claimed for God. There are many souls who need to hear the truth. There is much to do. While frontline warfare may be for a selected few, it is vital that we all stand firm in the place God has called us. When we do, He will provide the soldiers with flaming swords.