Thank God for Forgiveness

Thank God for Forgiveness

Almost as if it were a preamble, Psalm 103: 1-2 concentrates on the benefactor. This way, it assures the believer that whatever benefits which are to follow can be counted upon because of the divinity, reliability and ability of the God who promises to provide them. What good are the benefits to an employee who works for a company which has gone out of business? The value of the benefits are only as valuable as is the capability of the benefactor to consistently provide them.

So, now that is out of the way, we can proceed to the first benefit listed: “(He) forgives all of your iniquities.” For the perfect ones in our ranks who never make a mistake, forgiveness is superfluous. They never need to be forgiven because they never do anything wrong. However, for the rest of us who can hardly make it through a day without saying the wrong things, thinking the wrong thoughts, failing to give thanks, indulging in cheap thrills and sitting on our own idolatrous thrones – we need forgiveness. In fact, we not only need forgiveness, we depend upon it.

This forgiveness becomes even more precious when we consider it is the forgiveness of God. The forgiveness of people is fickle. The forgiveness of people is conditional. The forgiveness of people is temporary. The forgiveness of people is half-hearted. But, the forgiveness of God is complete. It is comprehensive. It is forever. When God forgives, He treats us as if we had never sinned. He forgives it and forgets it.

The fine points of this benefit get better when we read that He forgives “all of your iniquities.” Of course, all sin is sin. But, there is sin and then there is iniquity. Sin is a little white lie. Iniquity is demonic deception. Sin is a promiscuous indiscretion. Iniquity is a promiscuous lifestyle. Sin is anger. Iniquity is murder. To think that God would forgive our trespasses to this degree blows the mind. Now, consider the word “all” which precedes “iniquities.” You mean all of them? That’s what it says! That’s a serious benefit. It is not the kind of benefit which you should abuse, but thank God that, after repentance, it is there for you to use.