Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers…Ephesians 1:16
What a great compliment Paul pays to the Ephesians. He tells them in essence: “You are so special to me, that I can’t stop thanking God for you! I not only have you on my prayer list, but every time I pray, I thank God that you are in my life.”
Perhaps, rightly so.
For the Ephesians received Paul more than once in their city and their synagogues. The Ephesians exemplified faith in Christ as they lived in one of the headquarters of ancient idolatry.
The Ephesians saved his life when Demetrius and others rose up to kill him. The Ephesians sent money to support his ministry. To him, the Ephesians were more than a few folk on a mailing list. They were indispensable and invaluable partners and friends who he could not thank enough.
Do you have any Ephesians in your life? People without whom you would neither be alive nor well? People who took you in when everyone else threw you out. People who lifted you up when the world put you down. People who sacrificed for you when you had never done anything at all for them. People who loved you when you didn’t even love yourself. People who led you to Christ when others were leading you astray. People who showed you how to turn your rock bottom into a firm foundation.
You can never fully repay Ephesians. However, you can pray for them, never stop thanking God for them. And, one more thing – tell them how much they mean to you. Now, go ahead and write your letter to the Ephesians!