Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. – 2 Corinthians 9:15
In Galatians 2: 7-10 we read what might be considered the indirect minutes of a momentous meeting which Paul and Barnabas had with Peter, James and John. Up to that point, the Jews and Gentiles had been at odds with each other over whether gentiles could in fact become “Christians” and how much of Judaism (if any) they had to accept in order to do so.
Apparently, the pillars of the church in Jerusalem agreed that they would seek to minister Christ primarily to the Jews and that Paul and Barnabas would be commissioned and released to focus on the gentiles. However, there was one proviso.
Only they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do. – II Corinthians 9: 10
In other words, Paul was free to spread the gospel among the Gentiles only as long as he remembered to raise offerings and send them back to support “the poor” Jewish saints in Jerusalem. II Corinthians 9 is all about Paul asking the Corinthians for an offering to send back to Jerusalem in keeping with his commitment to Peter, James and John. This whole discourse on giving concludes with Paul encouraging them to thank God for his unspeakable gift.
The easy and obvious way to speak about God’s unspeakable gift is to identify it as his son who gave his life for ours and his Holy Spirit who lives his life in ours. Now, let’s go a little further and dig a little deeper as we ponder why we should thank God for his unspeakable gift.
His gift is unspeakable because it is invisible This is what he people back in the day meant when they said that God has brought us through dangers seen and unseen. He has done things for us about which we are not aware. He has blessed us in ways we have never known. He has kept us from trouble we didn’t even know we were in. How can we speak about what we do not know we have?
His gift is unspeakable because it is indescribable. Even if you know what he gave you, can’t describe it. How can you describe a love that is everlasting? How can you describe a peace that surpasses all understanding? How can you describe joy unspeakable and full of glory? How can you describe faith that can’t see and then do the impossible? You can’t so do don’t try. You just thank the Lord for it.
His gift is unspeakable because it is inexplicable. As prolific and poetic as David was, when he thought about the gifts of God in him and to him he was forced to ask: Then went king David in, and sat before the Lord, and he said, Who am I, O Lord God? and what is my house, that thou hast brought me hitherto? – I Kings 7: 18
Have you ever been there? You look at what you have done and where you have been and then consider what you have and what you are and find yourself speechless! Not only do you testify that the Lord has done so much for you that you just can’t explain it all. You can’t even tell it all!