. . . And the angel departed from her. – Luke 1: 38
The angels of God don’t mess around. Gabriel was sent on an assignment to find a young woman by the name of Mary. He did that. He was then, to present her with God’s proposal to make her the mother of His only begotten Son. He did that. Next, and most importantly, he was to stay there until she consented to play her part in the plan of salvation. He did that. Once, he sealed her consent, the Bible states: “…and the angel departed from her.”
To be sure, God made us a little lower than the angels, but if only we were more like the angels. Not so much in the sense of being super holy as in the sense of sticking to our assignment until it is completed. How often are we clearly tasked by God even with a simple assignment and we go off on tangents and leave our work for Him undone? Angels don’t do that. Remember the angel who was sent to answer Daniel’s prayer? He had to fight the Prince of Persia and it took him twenty-one days to get there, but he completed his assignment.
Angels are not only sent to protect us. They are also sent to reveal to us new and unique opportunities to serve God. These angels are not always invisible. They are sometimes visible. They are not always spiritual. Sometimes, they are actually, human. In each case, though, they are messengers who are undeniably sent from God to enlist us and encourage us to serve Him in a greater way and on a greater level.
When God sends an angel to you with an assignment from God, you may as well go ahead and say yes, because he ain’t leaving until you do. His assignment is to stay there until you accept your assignment. It could be that in those times when you could not sleep, when you could not focus, when you could not find peace, what you thought was the devil bothering you was actually an angel of God who refused to leave you until you said: “Yes.” This adds new meaning to the phrase: “All night, all day, the angels are watching over me.” Maybe, it should be: “All night, all day, the angels are waiting on me!” That is miraculous!