For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5: 7)
A person doesn’t have to be particularly religious or deeply spiritual to have faith. In fact, if faith is defined as “trust,” it would be impossible for any person to make it through a single day without some form of faith.
When we bend to sit in a chair, we have faith that it will hold us. When we drive through a green light, we have faith that the people coming the other way will stop at their red light. When we order a happy meal from McDonald’s, we have faith that the French fries in our bag have not previously been on the floor. When we go into the operating room, we have faith in the hospital’s reputation and the surgeon’s hands.
Hence, we all walk by faith and not by sight.
The issue is not whether or not we have faith or even exercise faith. The main matter is what we have faith in. Faith in people is necessary, but people can and will let us down. Faith in technology is vital, but technology can and does malfunction. However, faith in God is unique because God is the one source that never fails and has the power to meet every need. Besides all of this, God can carry us where we can’t see and when we can’t see.
Today, make sure that as you walk by faith, your faith is in the Almighty God.