What Love Does

What Love Does

…but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. – 1 Corinthians 13: 6-7

Love is not just a noun. It is a verb. Love is not merely an admirable word. It is an action word. Love is not simply a sound you hope to hear. It is a sight you hope to see. Love is as love does and, according to Paul, here are some of the things that love does:

1. Rejoices in truth. Love is not built or based on deception. It does not require its beloved to be made up or made over. It does not hide itself from the real deal. True love knows the truth, rejoices in truth and continues to love in spite of the truth.

2. Bears all things. Love has broad shoulders. It can support a great burden. Love has big arms. It can embrace a wide load. Love has strong hands. It can hold a heavy weight. Though, sometimes with tears and other times in pain, love finds a way to hold up and hold on.

3. Believes all things. It is not that love is so blind that it believes a lie. Rather, what this means is that love believes in the possibility of all things. Love believes that a child can go to college even though there is no money for tuition. Love believes that a sick mother can be healed even though the doctor has given her up. Love believes that a marriage which has wrecked on the rocks can be restored even though the couple no longer communicates. Love believes all things.

4. Hopes all things. The last thing a person wants to be is hopelessly in love. Love is not hopeless. It is hopeful. It is full of hope in the future. It is full of hope for the best. It is full of hope in the power of love. It is full of hope in God.

5. Endures all things. In a day and age when so many marriages seem to dissolve before the ink on the marriage license is dry, it is refreshing and encouraging to meet people who have been married for decades. The secret of these “marriage saints” is not perfection. It is a commitment to endure. At any given moment, such couples have had reason and cause to quit, but they had the kind of love that endured. Whether it is the love between a man and a woman, the love between a parent and child, the love between best friends or the love between God and his people, real love endures.