What We Do When We Worship

What We Do When We Worship

. . . to worship Him – Matthew 2:2

Let’s say it’s true that one of the things Jesus wants for Christmas is for people to sincerely worship Him. What does that really mean? What does it mean to sincerely worship Christ and what are we doing when we do? When we worship Christ . . .

We focus on Him. When we focus on Christ in worship, He becomes the point of our attention. He becomes the object of our eyes. He becomes the subject of our thoughts. He becomes the center of our joy.

We value Him. When we value Christ in worship, we confess that, above all and in spite of it all, He is worthy. Therefore, nothing is too good for Him. No praise is too much for Him. No honor it too great for Him. No gift is too expensive to give to Him. Our lives would be nothing without Him.

We adore Him. When we adore Christ in worship, we express our love for Him. Sometimes, we do it with songs. Sometimes, we do it with praise. Sometimes, we do it with dance. Sometimes, we do it with laughter. Sometimes, we do it with tears. Sometimes, like a mother playing with and dotting over her precious baby, we do it until we look silly. But, at all times we do it with appreciation and thanksgiving.