Where is Your Faith?

Where is Your Faith?

But He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they were afraid, and marveled, saying to one another, “Who can this be? For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him!” (Luke 8: 25)

The most amazing part of this passage may not be that Jesus calmed the winds and the waves of the Galilean Sea with just His word. The most amazing part of this passage might be that He asked: “Where is your faith?” and that He was talking to His own disciples when He said it.

These were not heathens who had never heard of God. These were not polytheistic pagans who worshipped idol gods. These were His own trained followers who had been with Him for years. Does it strike you as strange that some of the very folk who go to church every Sunday, attend Bible study every week, praise the Lord all the time and quote scriptures every time you turn around are often the same ones who are the most depressed and negative? This passage is for this crowd.

In essence Jesus is saying: “I see your attendance. I hear your testimony. I listened to your praise, but in the time of trouble, where is your faith?” If you ever find yourself in this crowd of doubting disciples, you can start by remembering that even though you are going through a storm, you are going to be alright because Jesus is in the boat!