TRIP COST: $3,895/PER PERSON (12 DAYS) – (click here)

Kenya is a country that beckons with rich culture, breathtaking landscapes and some of the most exciting wildlife encounters in the world. The intrigue and adventure of Kenya reaches back into the birth of mankind. Revered by anthropologists as the “cradle of humanity”, Kenya promises the globe’s most magnificent wildlife parks, unsullied beaches, ancient Swahili settlements, and iconic landmarks such as Mount Kenya which stands above the Savannah plains. More than a safari destination, Kenya is a country of immense beauty and resilience. From the bustling cities to more rural landscapes, you will get the privilege to interact with and meet some of the more than 70 tribal cultures sprinkled throughout the East African country. Kenya is still a developing country, and almost half of its people are desperately poor. Although Christianity is the dominant religion in Kenya, Islam is growing as well. Serve alongside local pastors who are passionate about investing in their communities and who are giving sacrificially, doing everything they can to spread the Gospel and meet the everyday needs of those around them.

While on the ground serving in Kenya you can worship alongside a local church and participate by providing music, sermons, short-exhortations, teaching, testimonies, or help lead Sunday School or VBS. Provide medical services and support to the community and healthcare system as well as nutrition awareness and general counseling on health issues. Lead devotions, tutor students, observe classes, help teachers with arts and crafts, games, storytelling, singing or participate in recess. Use sports or group games for building relationships and sharing the gospel; or work alongside a local builder on various projects from painting, roofing, cement work, tiling, landscaping or whatever projects are needed in the community.

Whether you are a college student, teacher, doctor, member of a professional organization or someone looking to travel with friends and family our staff will work with you to ensure that your unique gifts will be used to meet a real need while you are on the ground serving in Kenya.


(download information packet)