TEL International is an IRS approved nonprofit corporation in the US, funded solely by voluntary contributions from our volunteers, friends, local churches, sororities, fraternities, corporate partners, professional associations and foundations. These are our primary sources of short-term programmatic funding. We conduct our activities with the highest standards of integrity, and faithful stewards of the funds God has entrusted to us.

We are not sustained by a major corporation, mega-church, affluent partners, or business ventures. Like every other ministry, TEL International trust God to provide its on-going overhead and operating expenses. The donations and fees received fund the work of this full-time, international organization. We appreciate and respect our donors choice to support TEL International and our work; and consider them a vital part of our team. We endeavor to treat donors with respect, and privacy. Contributions made to TEL International are tax deductible. Receipts are provided for donations over $50.00 and upon request.

We are governed by a Board of Directors that oversees our financial decisions, policies, operations, fund-raising activities, and accomplishments. Our Board ensures that our fund-raising appeals clearly identify the purposes and programs to which the donations will be applied, and that we may assess up to eight percent (8%) to be used for administering the gift. All monies are donated solely to TEL International, and disbursement is at the discretion of TEL International for missions and outreach work worldwide. Answer the call today and fulfill Jesus’ mandate to be in mission.